A delicious variation of the classical Italian Caprese – tomato, mozzarella, fresh basil leaves – Salad: with oven-baked Aubergines! It gives the whole salad a great additional flavor. A must-try!!

See what you need to prepare here:

Ingredients for 2
1 pack (cherry) tomatoes
1 pack medium -sized mozzarella balls (or a normal one, cut)
Fresh basil leaves
Olive oil
1 Aubergine (eggplant)
Balsamic vinegar (optional)
Salt & pepper

Pre-heat the oven to 200°C air circulation.

Wash the aubergines and cut into thin slices. Prepare a lined baking tray and add olive oil. Now always place a aubergine slice onto a bit of oil and turn the slice and lay it onto the tray. Repeat until all slices are prepared. Place in the oven for approx. 20 minutes until golden brown. You can either serve the aubergine warm or cold, both tastes delicious.

Meanwhile wash and pat dry the tomatoes. Remove mozzarella from pack and drain the mozzarella-water. Cut the mozzarella into slices or quarters. Cut the tomatoes in half. Place the aubergine slices into the middle. Decorate with the basil leaves, drizzle olive oil and balsamic vinegar (optional) on top and season with salt & pepper to taste.
Serve immediately. Enjoy!