
Delicious! That’s what I can say to this recipe. I am always on the lookout for fairly easy and fast to prepare recipes, especially to prepare on weekday evenings, when I come home from work, put the little one to bed and then still need to prepare dinner. Those recipes come in really handy…

See how to prepare here:
Ingredients for 4
For the sauce:
2 cans of peeled tomatoes
1 onion, chopped
1 pack of diced bacon
10 fresh sage leaves, cut into fine stripes (plus a few for garnish)
1 cup of red wine
1/4 liter beef stock (Rinderbrühe)
3-4 tablespoons olive oil
1-2 tablespoons tomato purée
Salt & pepper

Additional ingredients:
400-500g pasta
Parmesan cheese, grated

Prepare the pasta according to the pack.
Meanwhile fry the chopped onion in a pan with the olive oil. Chop the fresh sage leaves into small stripes and add to the pan, as well as the bacon. Deglaze with a cup of red wine and let simmer for a moment, then add 1/4 liter beef broth. Now pour the 2 cans of peeled tomatoes and let simmer for a while. I use a wooden spoon to crush the tomatoes into bits inside the pan.

Grate the parmesan cheese and serve separately so everyone can sprinkle over their pasta themselves.

Place pasta on a plate and top with the sauce. And you are ready to eat! Enjoy!